The 3 axes of the Government Policy declaration
Axis 1: Strengthen social inclusion and harmony and consolidate peace
One of the main lessons we are drawing from the health and socio-economic crisis we are experiencing is the urgent need to strengthen human capital and ensure national solidarity. In fidelity to the commitment of the Head of State, “no Togolese will be left behind”.
Axis 2: Boost job creation by drawing on the strengths of the economy
As for all African countries, the youth of our population is a tremendous opportunity. It constitutes an opportunity. She was able to show her resilience, including during this period of health crisis, through her talent and her spirit of initiative. This youth needs to be strengthened and supported by providing them with the framework to empower themselves economically and by creating decent and remunerative jobs.
Axis 3: Modernize the country and strengthen its structures
We will only succeed in making our country a strong and resilient economy if we manage to modernize it and strengthen its structures.
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