MasterCard on an exploration mission in Togo

MasterCard on an exploration mission in Togo

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Madam Prime Minister, Victoire Tomégah-Dogbé received in audience this Friday, October 20, 2023 at the Prime Minister’s office in Lomé, the Director of the MasterCard Foundation for the West African Economic and Monetary Union (UEMOA) Zone, Serge-Auguste Kouakou.

At the end of his meeting with the Prime Minister, Mr. Kouakou indicated that he met Ms. Tomégah-Dogbé, as part of a working mission to Togo, to immerse himself in the economic realities and issues linked to the employment of young people, especially young women, in accordance with the Programs that Mastercard wants to co-create with the Togolese authorities and the stakeholders concerned, in order to provide solutions.

According to Serge-Auguste Kouakou, the MasterCard Foundation is one of the largest private foundations in the world with a vision: that of an equitable world in terms of education and financial inclusion.

“For this, it has set itself the mission of facilitating conditions and facilitating work for 30 million young people by 2030, through its interventions. For us, Togo, being one of the most important countries in the region of the UEMOA that we cover, we considered it necessary to come and immerse ourselves and be able to inform our programs, the priorities that we have,” he said.

The Director of MasterCard for the UEMOA Zone said he was satisfied with the results of his mission to Togo.

“It was a very enriching mission. We had the opportunity, in addition to the authorities, including Her Excellency Madam Prime Minister, to meet groups of young people, to meet project leaders, companies, financial institutions; the entire economic fabric. We were even able to meet the education sector, naturally the digital economy sector. And so, we leave with a lot of information on the potential and the activities that the government has initiated and therefore that allows us very quickly to be able to have this clarity on what we are going to do and we intend, in the coming weeks, to come back with axes on which we will discuss, not only, with the authorities, but also the stakeholders in order to be able to arrive at programs that will be co-created.” , added Mr. Kouakou.

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