Government endorsed by the National Assembly

Government endorsed by the National Assembly

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The National Assembly has expressed its support and approval to the transitional government led by Prime Minister Victoire Tomégah-Dogbé through a vote of confidence. The house performed the vote in plenary at its second extraordinary session of the year on Friday August 23 2024. The session was chaired by the Speaker of the National Assembly, Sevon-Tépé Kodjo Adédzé.

The overwhelming majority of members of parliament present approved the general policy statement presented by the Head of the Government. The Prime Minister was flanked on the occasion by all the ministers as holds the government accountable before the National Assembly in accordance with Articles 95 et seq. of Law no. 2024-005 of May 6 2024 establishing the Constitution of the Togolese Republic.

The Prime Minister gave an exhaustive update on the implementation of the 2020-2025 government roadmap, with accurate data on the achievement of the projects and reforms contained in the roadmap. She further briefed the house on actions expected to be undertaken in the short term, including ways and means to meet the renewed expectations of the population.

However, the Prime Minister pointed out that major challenges have undermined the implementation of the government’s roadmap: “these include the optimal execution of projects for greater impact on the population; building the capacities of project implementation players, both in the public
administration and in the private sector; and the need to mobilize more resources to speed up implementation.”

“Openness, diversity and inclusiveness are the hallmarks of the government I am honored to lead. Again, this testifies to the President of the Republic’s determination to overcome partisan differences and to always achieve consensus nationwide around Togo’s development objectives. This is a transitional government whose main mission it is to pave the way for the establishment of the institutions of the Fifth Republic, while pursuing the implementation of the Government’s 2020-2025 roadmap,” she declared.

The government policy statement is underpinned by five guiding principles: security, stability and peace to enable all citizens, wherever they may be on the national territory, to go about their daily business in peace; addressing such basic social needs as quality healthcare accessible to all, quality education for all, drinking water and electricity accessible to all; employment for young people; access to inputs, credit and markets for our farmers, while pursuing land reform and better regulation of transhumance; modernization of public life with greater accountability.

The Head of the Government paid tribute to the Head of State, His Excellency Faure Essozimna Gnassingbé, for his engaging leadership, his policy of peace, inclusive development and openness to the world.

The Speaker of the National Assembly congratulated the Prime Minister on the vote of confidence. He reassured her of the parliamentary institution’s commitment to fully playing its oversight role on government action.

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