Dr Aissata Ba Sidibé ends her mission to Togo, bids farewell to the Prime Minister

Dr Aissata Ba Sidibé ends her mission to Togo, bids farewell to the Prime Minister

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Prime Minister Victoire Tomégah-Dogbé met with the Resident Representative of the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) to Togo, Dr Aissata Ba Sidibé on Tuesday 6 August 2024. Dr Aissata Ba Sidibé, who has come to the end of her mission to Togo, met the Prime Minister in her office to bid her farewell.

The two officials exchanged views on several initiatives in the fields of education, health and child protection in Togo. The Prime Minister particularly appreciates the fact that UNICEFs valuable supports to Togo that have yields positive results.

“I have come to the end, not only of my mission to Togo, but also of my term of office with UNICEF. After spending five wonderful years in Togo, I now feel that I am a proud Togolese. Let me avail myself of this opportunity to express the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) wholehearted satisfaction for the conducive environment that was created to allow for the smooth implementation of children rights-related projects, as set out in the Government roadmap, under the close watch and sterling coordination of the Prime Minister.” Dr Aissata Ba Sidibé disclosed after the meeting.

The Prime Minster for her sterling coordination., various initiatives in the field of s, and I shared with her some examples of initiatives that have made a difference”_, said Dr Aissata Ba Sidibé at the end of the interview.

The Resident Representative particularly praised Togo’s significant progress in the area of children’s education, with a high school enrolment rate.

“In the field of education, Togo stands out when it comes to boys and girls school attendance and retention rates. Now, there is tough way ahead to provide them with quality education through digitization, and indeed strengthen pre-school education in the country. Togo can pride itself of its success story in the field of social protection, free education and free birth registration policy. I would like to also like to point out that Togo is full of hope and opportunities judging by its social indicators and the short timeframe within which the set out goals will be achieved.”

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