75th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the Prime Minister represents the Head of State in Geneva

75th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the Prime Minister represents the Head of State in Geneva

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The United Nations marked the 75th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, which was adopted on 10 December 1948. Several events were lined up to celebrate the jubilee. These include the high-level world leaders’ meeting in Geneva, Switzerland. Prime Minister Victoire Tomégah-Dogbé attended the proceedings on behalf of the Togolese Head of State, HEM Faure Essozimna Gnassingbé. Prior to the high-level meeting, slated for Tuesday 12 December 2023, States presented their commitments under the Human Rights 75 initiative.

On behalf of the President of the Republic, the Head of the Togolese Government presented Togo’s human rights commitments under the Human Rights 75 initiative. These include universal health insurance for all, improved access to potable water and the protection of human rights defenders nationwide.

Togo undertakes, 1: by the end of 2024, to adopt a law on the modalities to recognise and protect human rights defenders; 2: by 2025, to improve access to potable water for localities housing 1,500 people by building 1,250 boreholes equipped with human-powered pumps and 1,245 autonomous solar-powered water stations; and 3: by 2028, to create a training centre for educators and professionals in sign languages. In addition, Togo formally commits to achieving universal health insurance for all by 2024,” declared Mrs Victoire Tomégah-Dogbé.

According to the Prime Minister, these commitments, which are encapsulated in Togo’s vision and national development policy, were made as part of ongoing efforts to honor the country’s international obligations on human rights.


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