Epé-Ekpé 2024: the sacred stone delivers its message in the presence of the Prime Minister

Epé-Ekpé 2024: the sacred stone delivers its message in the presence of the Prime Minister

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This year, the Guin people marked the 361st edition of their traditional festival Epé-Ekpé. The festival climaxed on Thursday 29 August 2024 at Glidji-Kpodji, in the Lakes Prefecture, when the sacred stone was displayed to the general public in the presence of the Prime Minister, Victoire Tomégah-Dogbé. She represented the Head of State, His Excellency Faure Essozimna Gnassingbé.

A dirty white stone was displayed this year. the Gê Yéhoué priests of the deities explained that the dirty white colour sends a message of disunity amongst the Guin people, the traditional chiefs, priests and followers of the 41 deities. The Gê Yéhoué priests further recommended that the Guin people forgive, respect their parents, especially their mothers, pay their debts and ban abortion.

This year’s festival was marked under the theme: “our habits and customs, our wealth, our identity”. The theme calls on each and every one to commit to cultural values and identity.

On behalf of the government, Florence Yawa Kouigan, Minister for Communication, Media and
Culture and Government Spokesperson, congratulated the people of Guin on the perfect organisation of the 2024 event. She called on the sons and daughters of the Guin community to unite, reconcile, and live together.

The public display of the sacred stone marks the beginning of the Lunar New Year for the Guin people. It is also time for reunions between the daughters and sons in the Lakes Prefecture, and indeed a convenient moment for renewing alliances with the divinities for the new year.

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